Sunday, September 13, 2009

How it all started.....

So you might be wondering how this whole idea of eating our way through Richmond came about. Well, Mary Beth and I were having our usual morning coffee at Capital Coffee and Dessert in Carytown one recent day when we should have been at the gym exercising. And Mary Beth mentioned that she and her husband Peter were "Eating their way through the Northside". Mary Beth explained that she had saved a section of the paper that lists all of the restaurants in different areas of town. And since she and Peter live on the Northside, they decided that they were going to try out all of the restaurants on the list for that area of town. What a great idea! Immediately I wanted in! So I suggested that maybe we should form a group to "eat our way through Richmond".

Our husbands, Peter and David, were game. And we, of course, invited our good friends Steve and Shelia to join in the fun. We wanted to keep the focus on new eateries we hadn't been to before, so decided that we'd have a rule that we could only go to restaurants that 4 or more of us had never been to before. Choice of restaurant will rotate among the couples. Since Mary Beth and Peter had the original idea, they chose the first location - The Black Sheep.

The six of us had just been to see "Julie and Julia", the movie about the woman who cooks her way through Julia Child's cookbook and writes a blog about it. So we decided to follow suit and create a blog about our eating adventures.

So that is how we came to begin this adventure! We started off with a wonderful evening at Black Sheep. The food was yummy. The company was fun as always. We had a little adventure when the power went out in the restaurant (and in the whole neighborhood as it turned out). My favorite thing was the dessert -- pineapple upside down cake, made in a skillet. Delicious!

Can't wait to tell you about where we go next -- Steve and Shelia will be choosing the location. If anyone has any suggestions for us to try, please feel free to leave us a post!

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